Saturday, October 25, 2008

Obama Watch: What The Media Isn't Highlighting

Once again we tap into the valid question department. Kenneth R. Timmerman is the guy that is following the birth certificate issue, found in the previous post.

Here is an article that poses some more food for thought as you make your final decision, the one that will count.

As Barack Obama reaped a stunning $150 million in campaign donations in September, bringing his total to more than $600 million, new questions have arisen about the source of his amazing funding.

By Obama’s own admission, more than half of his contributions have come from small donors giving $200 or less. But unlike John McCain’s campaign, Obama won’t release the names of these donors.

A Newsmax canvass of disclosed Obama campaign donors shows worrisome anomalies, including outright violations of federal election laws.

Have you ever wondered how a greenhorn upstart on the national scene can rise to power so quickly, so efficiently, and with such excellent organization? Think about this, this guy has gone from giving a keynote speech at a convention to cult-like figure in four short years. Doesn't this make you a little apprehensive?


A.C. McCloud said...

He's coming along at the right time, after 7 years of Bush derangement.

Indeed, it's a little frightening just how much the Obama supporters are willing to overlook, like anything he wrote while at Columbia or Harvard, for starters.

LA Sunset said...

//it's a little frightening just how much the Obama supporters are willing to overlook, like anything he wrote while at Columbia or Harvard, for starters.//

I think it's equally frightening how he says he wants to spend all of this money that we do not have, which is how we got into this mess to start with. And people are still supporting him.