Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Beating A Dead Horse (More Than Once)

.:. WitNit .:.: Yellow Cake in Iraq

Click on the title or the link for some interesting info.

Whether he had them or he didn't, really doesn't matter now. What matters now is how to effectively finish the mission. Going back to the old election debate, does not get the troops home any quicker. In fact, truth be known, it only delays reaching the objectives, as well as their return.

But for the benefit of those that keep harping about old arguments, we are still answering the ludicrous accusations being put forth by the left. We are still splitting hairs about the definitions, long after the decision was made. And it's all at the expense of the troops that remain.

We still have articles being written about the 2000 Election, I guess it stands to reason we should have more war debate. They believe we should do anything to embarrass the Administration, even if it means encouraging the enemy to fight that much harder, and kill just that many more Americans. They will use any means available to them, to bog this war down as far as they can, just so they can say, "See, we told you so!". Just so they can win the next election and the right to screw it up worse than it already is, they keep pouring gas on the fire in hopes that they can ignite something.

The radical anti-war left refuses to believe the 9-11 Reports. They don't believe anything, except what they want to believe. You can't have a reasonable conversation with them. They have been so deeply indoctrinated by fools, I seriously doubt they will believe much of the data and references, posted by Mark either. But you can read them and see for yourself.

There are many theories about how things happen, there is only one truth. We may not know all of that truth or we may not believe it, but it is still the truth, just the same.


G_in_AL said...

LA, they know, as we all do that the Media doesnt give you real news, only crazy conspiracy theory blogs, DNC website,, and Jane Fonda can give you the truth.

The real problem is they are so filled with crap like "X-Files", "Enemy of the State", and other evil governemnt movies.

LA Sunset said...

This is very true, G.

There is a marked difference between the truth and what is reported; as well as, a marked difference between fantasy and reality.