Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Coming Issues Of 2006


Although 2006 is still almost a half a year away, it's really not too soon to start thinking about the midterm elections. The whole House, one-third of the Senate, and many state offices will be up for grabs, once again. Now I don't mean to start talking about candidates, because we pretty much know that most office-holders that face re-election then, are going to want to be re-elected. And it's way too early to know just exactly how those individual races will develop, this early in the game.

But the issues that will be debated are issues that are being debated now. And just where these candidates stand on them, will determine who gets to raise their right hands at the swearing-in ceremonies. These issues are serious. They cut to the very core of our rights, freedom, and security. They must be dealt with swiftly and sufficiently. They cannot be swept under the table for another election cycle, for each election cycle that passes, is another two years of no solutions, no implementations, and therefore, no successes.

As we get into the process more heavily, we will all have chance to see, hear, and maybe even meet a candidate. Certainly, we will all have access to the candidates' e-mail addresses. Whatever means of communication we use with these people, one thing is for certain. We need to let these people know what is important and force them to deal with these issues, before it's too late.

Issue #1 - The Border:

It makes little or no sense at all to continue to allow the number of illegals to flow into this country, at this present day. They are flooding our healthcare system to the point of crisis. And if that in itself isn't enough, not policing the border is a major (and I do mean major) national security threat. Be that as it may, it just isn't getting addressed by most politicians, of either party.

The Dems want them to pour in for future voting purposes and the GOP are beholden to most businesses, including those that have become dependent on illegals for cheap labor. Neither party has come to grips with this, all we have heard is the rhetoric of both sides. The proposals that were tossed around earlier were just talk, there was no real desire to do anything, but win a public relations war for political leverage purposes, only.

It can't continue like this and every poll on this issue has shown that the people overwhelmingly think so.

Issue #2 - Profiling:

What sense does it make to continue to do random searches on people like little old ladies, and others that clearly do not match the profile of a terrorist? What sense does it make to not search those that actually do fit the profile?

The left has gotten this country so worried about offending someone that the policy-makers are scared of what it will do to them politically. The left has made it nearly impossible to do the job necessary, to protect our citizenry. But that's not the saddest part. The saddest part is, the administration and many in Congress are allowing them to do it.

It's time to end the stupidity in public policy and I can't think of a better place to start.

Issue#3 - Eminent Domain:

This was instituted for the strict purpose of being able to acquire property for public use, for the public good. By public use and good, it meant roads, public buildings, parks, and so on. But as of late, you have developers and major corporate chains (like WalMart) that scope out land they want, try to buy it for a ridiculously low price, and when they are turned down, they turn to corrupt local governments to condemn it and sieze it, by force.

Any law has the potential for abuse, but this one when abused, is one that undermines the very core principles and values set forth by our founding fathers. It effectively strips the citizenry of the property rights guaranteed them, in the U.S. Constitution. It wouldn't be so bad if it were something that would benefit the community as a whole. But the only people that benefit from this in its present state, are the money hungry developers, corporations, and the politicians that benefit from expanding the local tax-base.


These issues are not the only issues that will be looming on the horizon, if not already. A China policy would be nice, as well as one on Venezuela, Cuba (for after Castro dies), North Korea, Iran,and many others that are just being put on the back burner, until only God knows when.

The thing we all have to do is keep the candidates focused on the important issues that affect us all. We have to dictate the pace and set the agenda. We have to tell those in power, that if you want to keep your job, you must address these things. We have to tell those that want the job, that they must listen to the majority of the people and deal with these things, in clear and concise terms.

I know. Some of you are cynical. I must admit, I too am very cynical. It gets real discouraging, when guys like Teddy Kennedy can keep getting re-elected, most of the time, unopposed.

But, to hurt a rich man everyone knows you have to make him poor. And to hurt a politician, you must turn him out of office. These people will listen, if they can be convinced that their gravy train will soon be ending. They will listen if enough decent people will make their voices heard and their views known. They will also listen, if the people they represent will let them know (in no uncertain terms) that they can and will be replaced.

This isn't a Democratic thing and this isn't a Republican thing. This is an American thing.


G at The Road to Middle America is thinking even further ahead with a more in depth look at some issues his post, the Monolith Issues of '08 Hinted at Today .


G_in_AL said...

again, you and I are on the same page. Only, my post from last week was about '08, no '06... LA, we really have to quit this :)

Always On Watch said...

I find myself in total agreement with your analysis of the important issues. The 2006 elections are critical!

Here in Virginia, we have the gubernatorial election this November. The lines about illegal immigration are already drawn, and the lefties are supporting illegal immigration. Northern Virginia, which has a HUGE problem with illegal immigrants, will probably vote for the Democratic candidate. I hope I'm wrong on that, but I don't think so.

Meanwhile, some in the Virginia Assembly--and one of the leaders of this drive is Hispanic--are calling for the governor, presently Democrat Mark Warner, to declare a state of emergency here in Virginia, the same type of state of emergency we've heard about in Arizona and in New Mexico.

LA Sunset said...


I am sorry. I must have missed your article, while on vacation. It's hard to catch up after a week and never even read it, until now.

As you can see, I linked to it on the post.

LA Sunset said...


Get ready to make noise. The squeaky wheels get the grease. It works for the left, it can work for people that have sense and truth on their side, too.

Anonymous said...

I put these comments up at G's site also because they apply to both commentaries:

I find it curious that democrats, who lean in favor of social programs, are so far removed from the average Christian position, which according to the New Testament, teaches us to be charitable. Could it be that the Democratic Party and Christians differ on the issue of accountability? We Americans should always foster a society in which people make their own decisions, which is what I think that the term “natural order” suggests; but along with making decisions comes accountability for those decisions. Democrats seem not to understand that. On a whole range of issues, the Democrats want to throw money at failed programs – the kind of programs that look good on paper, and sound good as part of political rhetoric, but which are dismal failures. Yes, it would be great if everyone was financially well-off, but the deal is that in order to acquire wealth, you have to be productive. Choices, such as not to finish high school, and such attributes as self-discipline, weigh in. Democrats want those who work to pay for sustaining those who do not, and of course, this is very wrong headed.

Democrats want a health care system so that no American is ever turned away from vital care, and it seems to me that all Americans would like to see that. But the Democratic Party’s ideas for creating such programs are out-right socialistic. If Bob has made good decisions for himself and his family by (1) obtaining a good education and (2) taking employment with a progressive company that pays well and offers good medical care coverage, why should Bob also have to pay for medical care on behalf of Jim, who has never made a good decision in his entire life, and his family?

Most Americans tend to be conservative in their ideas – including a large percentage of Democrats who have reached a certain age group. I keep wondering when the Democrats will start moving more toward the center – which is politically where most Americans are to begin with. When will Democrats start selecting normal people to run for elective office, rather than the nut jobs that have laughingly competed for the presidency in the past two elections?

Politicians on both sides of the aisle are a major disappointment to me, for all the reasons alluded to in this excellent post. When are they going to begin dealing with immigration issues, which of course means security for the American people? When is anyone going to address the issue of escalating gasoline prices, which is hurting Americans more than most people realize? When are we going to solve the national budget issue, which in my mind involves less spending as much as it does on less taxation? And finally, when will Democrats realize that their freedoms depend upon the maintenance of a strong military and the willingness to use it, even when it is unpopular to do so?

I too hope that the American people will begin looking seriously and hard at these issues; and sooner is always better than later. At least, that’s my view.

G_in_AL said...

One I didnt touch that LA did was the Land Stealing (called Eminent Domain). I dont think it will be an issue in '08 because already local governments are moving to stop this. Here in AL, Gov Rilley has already pushed some legislation directly prohibiting this stuff.

Thanks for the link back LA. you didnt have to, but I appreciate it.

Mustang... I replied if you want to read it.

I think talk radio and internet traffic have become the one breaking point for the mainstream media. I think that the left agenda they have pushed for the last 40 years is finally comming to a halt.