Saturday, August 06, 2005

Light Blog Alert

To those that read this blog regularly or semi-regularly, you have no doubt noticed I have been on low blogging status. I have had a harrowing couple of days that have left me very tired. August and September are usually busy months for me, because of a variety of commitments.

Today, I am taking my one-year old grandson to see his great grandmother and its about a 100 mile trip, one-way. I will return tonight and if little junior hasn't worn his grandpa out, I will be back reading your blogs and inserting my acerbic comments, like usual.

I will also be leaving for vacation on Thursday, so I will be on another low volume blogging status, then.

Thanks for reading, and have a great Saturday.


VARepublicMan said...

Have a good time, Granddad.

Zilko said...

Hellow... . Hopefully u have a great time :D

Esther said...

Have an awesome time with the grandson!

As someone else who has had her blog time decreased, I welcome your having a lighter blog schedule. :)

LA Sunset said...

Thanks all, it was a blast.

The joys of being a grandparent cannot be described. I spoiled the hell out of him, sugared him up, wore him out (and me in the process), and took him home.

My parents (and grandmother) did the same thing with my kids. Now, it's my turn.

G_in_AL said...

LA, my sons are spoiled rotten because of thier "Nana" and Grandpa.... Is it some sick twisted game that your parents only become the folks you always whished you'd had, when around your own children?

LA Sunset said...

Your turn will come. They grow fast. You blink your eyes and they are grown.

Then, you'll see why we play that sick twisted game.