Monday, August 01, 2005

Is Knowledge Really Power?

We have all heard the cliche. But VARepublicman at the Flaming Duck poses the question: Knowledge is Power?

I highly recommend reading this piece (and others at his site). The only criticism I have for VAR, is he doesn't post nearly enough. But alas, sometimes real life must take precedence and it just makes those posts that much more special, when he does.

Give him a look. In fact if you get bored sometime, search his archives. He writes about many different subjects, there is a even a fudge recipe that gets raves. (If you make it, be sure to have an insulin chaser handy, when you eat it.)


VARepublicMan said...

Ahhh, real life! The way I support me and mine. Yes, it intrudes all too often.

Thanks for the kind words, LA. I'm interesting enough to merit some readers on a blog (thanks) but not good (or ambitious) enough to make a living from it. I write when I can on topics that interest me. Glad they interest you also.

LA Sunset said...

No problem VAR. I may not comment on every piece you write, but rest assured I read them. You do a good job, keep it up and do it as often as life permits.

You never really know who may be reading. After all, I found your blog totally by accident.

G_in_AL said...

LA, would you mind visiting my site on a post about the Fair Tax Act