Wednesday, August 24, 2005

EU Unions: 10% Unemployment is Too Low!

Click on the link or the title for a brief commentary on the unionization of Wal-Mart, in Europe.

EU Rota: EU Unions: 10% Unemployment is Too Low!

The U.S. is not the only place Wal-Mart is under the gun from labor unions and other organizations. And GEA3 at
EU Rota has recognized the damage unionizing will cause the European economy.

Unions were originally necessary in a time when 10 year-olds were working 15 hour days, everyday. In the early days of the industrial age, capitalists were in many cases exploiting workers by subjecting them to unsafe and hazardous working conditions for long hours, for very low pay.

Since then, laws have been passed, policies have been written, and rules have been enforced against violators. The need for every job in this world to be union, no longer exists. It never did. Some industries were bigger exploiters than others. And those that weren't among the worst, had no need to unionize then; and they sure don't have any need to unionize, today.

Might I remind the left of some history that they may not know, may have forgotten, or have revised out of their memory. Prior to Mussolini taking power, socialist workers took over some vital factories. Those factories failed miserably after the workers, took over. Workers do not know how to run businesses, those that represent workers do not know, either. But as the socialist movement grew and became more radical, a new movement arose as a political response. Fascism.

Modern day fascism was a response to socialism. And if the left isn't careful in their bellicose lies, accusations, and whinings, there will come a generation that will not put up with it. If you think this generation is fascist, just because we disagree with the things you do, wait until that generation comes in 10-20 years after you have rammed lies, distortions, and false accusations down their throats, for those years.

But back to the union issue. There are far more jobs created when business people can run their businesses as they see fit, free from union influence. Where there are unions, productivity is lower, than where there is not. Unions do not create jobs, businesses do. And before any job can be created, there must be a risk taker somewhere, willing to take whatever risks necessary to open a business and hire people to work in it.

Nowhere, in any business model do you find a union, in the equation. Only after the business has become very successful will you see the vulturous union leaders moving in, to boost their own revenue, via union dues. Only then, will you see the seeds of discord sown among the once contented workers that worked hard to help make that business so successful.

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