Wednesday, August 24, 2005

John R. Bradley Interview Revisited

Click on the title for a link to an article at the Eurabian Times, I linked to on Monday.

Here is Bradley speaking of the future of the Saudi regime:

You have to remember that the Saudi regime is in the arthritic grip of some very old people and the older they get the fewer signs they show of ever letting go.


In other words, the system is ossifying rapidly, and once it has ossified it will crumble. So the question is less whether the Saud will fall – they will – but when, and if there is any hope of the country surviving their fall and making something like an orderly transition to a modern society.

It's only a matter of time. And when it does fall, it will not fall into the right hands. It will fall into the hands of the Wahhabis and they will trade one form of tyranny for another, a la Iran.

Then, the extremists will have direct access to oil profits to finance their terror attacks against peace-loving people. No more middle men, a Wahhabi controlled socialist government will most likely nationalize the industry as a whole, and those that depend on Saudi oil, will have to bow to the will of evil thugs, to get it.

It may be closer than we think.


unaha-closp said...

The only reasons Iran fell to the mullahs is because the Soviets helped their allies and Carter failed to stop them. Now I don't particularly like Bush, but he ain't going do a Carter and sit idly by whilst Osama takes over Saudi.

LA Sunset said...


Bush may not be in office when it happens.

unaha-closp said...

The choice of when this is to happen is going to be influeneced by the USA. If Bush willed it he could have the Sauds out within a year.

And the possibility of their being an isolationist like Carter in next time is not that high surely.

LA Sunset said...


I don't really think that Bush preoccupies himself with whether or not to take out the Saudi regime. If he is smart he will finish the jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan, first.

The Saudis will most likely fall after Bush leaves office. And, if someone like Dean gets into office, there won't be a thing done about it.