Friday, September 30, 2005

Does The UN And EU Want Control Of The Internet?

Dale and McQ at Q and O Online Magazine think so.

First read the short piece by Dale.

Then read the more extensive but not extremely long one, by McQ.

From Dale's post:

Tyrants fear the very idea of common people expressing their opinion and sharing information. And the UN is all too often overly solicitous of the wishes of tyrants. That's reason enough to tell the UN to back off.

From McQ's:

Maybe I'm just an incorrigable skeptic, but when I see phrases describing a world summit like, "which aims to ensure a fair sharing of the Internet for the benefit of the whole world", I can't help but translate it as, "which aims to screw the US out of its control of something it invented".

Nothing new here. Europe has been envious and jealous of the U.S. from the days of its inception. Throughout this country's history there has been an element in Europe that has openly resented the U.S., for our successes at things they failed.

Obviously "the world" is of the opinion that it has a better idea, you know, government intervention. Oh and don't forget UN intervention too. Nothing like having your internet access and content subject to the veto of Botswana who's a guest member of the Security council this month.

How true.

It's hard enough to take anything seriously from the UN, especially when they let the biggest violators of human rights have a seat on the Human Rights Commission. Why would I think that most third world banana republics would want anything less, than to screw the U.S. at every opportunity afforded them?

If you want to talk about internet censorship, if you want to talk about groups like CAIR trying to silence its critics, just let countries like North Korea, Iran and Syria have a say in this. Freedom of speech will suffer greatly, here and abroad.


LA Sunset said...

My question to them would be, what leverage do you have, to use the term "non-negotiable"? Because from where I sit, they don't have an ounce of it.

Always On Watch said...

The U.N.'s Human Rights Commission is a pathetic excuse for a body with such a title. They embody moral relativism.

LA Sunset said...


Actually, "a pathetic excuse" would be a step or two up from what I think about them, right now. And since you are a lady, I will refrain from the descriptive analysis.

But I will throw out one little hint. How does the "Kofi Annan Wastewater and Sewage Treatment Facility" sound, as a way to honor the current Sec'y General?

G_in_AL said...

Its just not fair the America has this ultra powerful and almost necissary tool of the Internet under their control.

I dont care if America invented it, did all the R&D for it, put forth all the capitol, and probaly has the highest propensity to not abuse control... it is just not fair.

Another example of America having all the good stuff and not trying to give it way to be more equal with the rest of the world.

Always On Watch said...

Another example of America having all the good stuff and not trying to give it way to be more equal with the rest of the world. We need more of share and share alike, right? NOT!

That philosophy is one of take from the haves and give to the have nots. Pretty soon, nobody will have much of anything.

Always On Watch said...

LOL at your idea for honoring Kofi Annan!